
Documentary filming

Capturing actuality is a real skill

Cap­tur­ing actu­al­i­ty is a real skill and requires dis­cre­tion and a deft approach, whether it’s doc­u­men­tary film­ing, med­ical case stud­ies or char­i­ty appeals. Our crew num­bers are scaleable so we can ensure that par­tic­i­pants are not over­whelmed by large scale pro­duc­tions. Like­wise we can set up mul­ti cam­era inter­views shoots that cap­ture con­tent with high­er pro­duc­tion val­ues includ­ing green screen. We’ve worked on var­ied top­ics such as inter­na­tion­al affairs, social his­to­ry and the use of steroids.

  • Single operator
  • Visual & Sound
  • Reality & Actuality