Essex Camera van

Bella films camera equipment van

Meet our new camera van

I acknowl­edge that its some­thing of a cliché, me being an Essex Boy and hav­ing a Ford Tran­sit, but it’s such a smash­ing lit­tle van and it gen­uine­ly does dri­ve like a car. It’s also got a bril­liant pay­load for the ever increas­ing load of tripods, cam­eras and so on that we take on jobs nowadays.

Impor­tant­ly though I should state that it’s not white — I real­ly couldn’t go that far — it’s a very classy metal­lic grey called mag­net­ic’ — there’s a pic­ture below and nat­u­ral­ly all vehi­cles should have a name so we’ve opt­ed to call this one Van Halen’ because who doesn’t love a bit of 80srock!? Of course there is a gen­uine rea­son behind get­ting a van apart from the Essex boy thing, and that’s the equipment.

In the last few years we’ve done a lot more mul­ti-cam­era shoots and of course each cam­era needs a tri­pod, then there’s the light­ing, the grip like slid­ers as well as sound record­ing equip­ment and oth­er key items. There’s also been an increase in live stream­ing which also requires more kit, mon­i­tors, switch­ers etc​.So we see the invest­ment in a ded­i­cat­ed crew / equip­ment vehi­cle as cru­cial in mak­ing sure we can bring more equip­ment to our client’s shoots and with it more options in terms of what and how we film.This par­tic­u­lar mod­el also fea­tures 3 front seats which is very handy for trans­port­ing addi­tion­al crew members.

Nat­u­ral­ly we’ve had to lay down some ground rules, so we solemn­ly promise not to keep the dri­vers win­dow per­ma­nent­ly wound down and there will not be a 6 month old copy of the dai­ly star in the front win­dow, we intend to make sure it stays a classy vehi­cle! So if you see us out on the road give us a polite beep and say hel­lo but don’t make us brake sud­den­ly as there’s prob­a­bly cam­eras in the back!